Plumbing Issues

The plumbing system is one of the most crucial parts of any home. It is responsible for supplying clean water and removing waste from your home. Although plumbing systems last for many years, they can still develop problems that require repair or replacement. The system could experience many issues over its lifetime. For this reason, it’s important to be aware of the following six common plumbing issues:

1. Hard Water Stains

Water evaporates and leaves behind mineral deposits called scale, building up on fixtures and pipes over time, causing hard water stains. These stains are difficult to remove and can be unsightly. If you notice hard water stains in your home, it’s crucial to have a professional plumber inspect your plumbing system.

However, it’s not easy to identify the problem solely based on the existence of hard water stains. Check for other signs that may indicate a more serious issue. These signs include:

  • Fluctuation in water pressure
  • Discolored water
  • Corroded or discolored faucets and fixtures

2. Clogged Pipes

Pipes clog over time due to the buildup of hair, grease, soap scum, and other debris. While you can clear most clogged pipes with a plunger or a plumber’s snake, some may require the services of a professional plumber. However, it’s uncommon to find such clogging in new houses. The most common clogging results from large objects such as toys or jewelry flushed down the toilet.

The buildup takes time to accumulate, so it is an issue in old houses. In most cases, the problem exceeds joints, taps, and valves. Check these joints and valves to make sure they’re not the problem. 

Open the valves and joints if you notice changes in water flow. However, consult an expert in plumbing inspection if the issues persist despite checking the valves and taps. They could use plumbing cameras to ascertain the problem.

3. Water Heater Issues

If you have a gas water heater, you may occasionally experience issues with the pilot light going out. If this happens, you’ll need to relight the pilot light according to your owner’s manual instructions. You may also find that your water heater makes strange noises.

It’s usually nothing to worry about and is simply the result of sediment buildup on the bottom of the tank. Sediment can insulate the bottom of the tank and cause the water to overheat, leading to a noisy boiling sound. Flush your water heater according to your owner’s manual instructions to solve this problem.

4. Low Water Pressure

It’s extraordinary to experience low water pressure in just one part of the house. It often indicates a bigger problem, like a leak or blockage in the water line. If you’re experiencing low water pressure, it’s best to call a plumber to look at it and diagnose the problem. 

Also, contact the neighbors to see if they have the same issue. If not, the problem is likely with your home’s plumbing, not the city’s water supply. Low water pressure could result from disconnected pipes that need to be reconnected or a faulty pressure regulator.

5. Blocked Faucets and Showerheads

If you have hard water, mineral deposits can build up in your faucets and showerheads, reducing water flow. You can address the issue by unscrewing the fixture and soaking it overnight in vinegar. You may overlook the problem quickly because you might think that the supplier has lowered your water pressure.

6. Strange Toilet Noises

If you hear a loud, booming noise from your toilet, it could signify a blockage in your sewer line. Alternatively, it could be something as simple as a loose clean-out plug. In any case, it’s best to call a plumber to take a look. The noise could be tricky in the beginning to catch, but if you listen closely, you should be able to hear it.

It’s a much louder noise than your average toilet makes, and it will be coming from the actual tank of the toilet. The uncommon issue with this is that you likely won’t hear it until it’s a real problem. So if you do, don’t hesitate to contact a professional.

Bottom Line

The above plumbing issues are not that easy to spot. Therefore, it is vital to be aware of them, so you can act fast in case any of them arise. Have a professional plumber inspect your plumbing system regularly to ensure everything is in good working condition. It would help if you also researched to know various ways of identifying them and the best way to solve each problem. Doing this will help you avoid or fix any plumbing issue before it gets out of hand.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about How Do You Handle a Plumbing Emergency then visit our Bathroom category

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Oliver James is a UK-based professional blogger, content writer, and content marketer who writes about travel and tourism, finance, real estate, and other topics on his blog. Passionate about writing, traveling, and getting the best deal on everything he buys, Oliver also writes for customers. He helps them publicize their products and services in the US and UK markets. He is a traveler who has visited over 35 countries and loves his job because it allows him to find stories, experiences, and places to share with his readers.